521 – Mental Health and Wellbeing

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Learning outcome 1: Understand the importance of mental health and wellbeing

1.1  Mental health and wellbeing

 Guidance for 1.1 Learners evaluate models and representations of mental health conditions including:  What well-being means to different individuals/society  Medical and social models of mental health conditions – e.g. the biological (disease) model and the psychodynamic model  Representation in the media (film and television) for individuals with mental health conditions both past and present

 1.2 Factors that can effect an individual’s mental health and wellbeing

 Guidance for 1.2 Learners investigate and analyse contemporary factors that can effect mental health and wellbeing to include:  Biological factors – infections, other Physical illness or long term chronic health conditions, genetic inheritance  Behavioural – drugs , alcohol , self-harm  Social, situational factors – loneliness, relationships, levels of support or isolation, discrimination  Psychological/emotional factors – mood changes, impulsive actions, chronic stress/anxiety  Environmental factors – housing , employment  Historical – school context, academic attainment, life events, bereavement, other lifestyle choices  Cognitive – thought patterns, levels of resilience  Financial security  Cultural factors


1.3 Importance of encouraging wellbeing and mental health

 Guidance for 1.3  With examples, learners critically evaluate ways in which positive mental health and wellbeing is supported and maintained through their service provision with respect of:  Self  Colleagues  Those in receipt of care and support


1.4 Legislation, guidelines and policies that relate to mental health and wellbeing

 Guidance for 1.4 Learners investigate national, local and own organisations guidelines, legislation/policies that relate to mental health and wellbeing and to include:  How these are disseminated to and understood by colleagues in respect of their application to practice and role  How these are disseminated to and understood by those in receipt of care and support  How these are monitored and reviewed in respect of their application to practice  How these are made accessible to others where appropriate - family

 How they inform their leadership and management strategy and operational practice in mental health service provision.

  Learning outcome 2: Understand the context in which the mental health service operates


2.1 Importance of culture and values of a mental health service and how to impart these to others

 Guidance for 2.1 Learners understand the importance and meaning of ‘culture’ and ‘values’ within their service provision to include;  A clear understanding of the terms ‘culture and values’ as they apply to adult care practice for people with mental health conditions  The way culture and values have historically developed to inform best practice in management post 1990  How contemporary culture, values and vision inform best practice for those colleagues they manage coach and mentor

  2.2 Understand current approaches to person centred care and support within management practice

 Guidance for 2.2 Learners investigate management approaches to person centred planning with regard to:  The importance of life histories of individuals  The importance of the unique abilities of individuals  Individual interests, preferences wishes and needs  How the above is evidenced in current strategic and operational management practice within their service 

2.3 Understand the requirements of regulation and governance

 Guidance for 2.3 Learners critically evaluate current regulatory and governance requirements in respect of their service delivery and how these aim to support person centred practice.

  Learning outcome 3: Understand mental health conditions and the impact they have on wellbeing

3.1 Mental health conditions and how they can affect individuals’ ability to live well


Guidance for 3.1 Learners understand the main signs and symptoms of key mental health conditions to include:  Stress, anxiety and panic disorders  Depression and (post-natal depression if relevant to own work role)  Personality disorders  Eating disorders  Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)  Schizophrenia  Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)  Dementia (e.g. Alzheimer’s, vascular dementia, Lewy Body)

 3.2 Categories of medication and treatments

 Guidance for 3.2 Learners investigate relevant and up to date treatments and therapies that are recommended for mental health conditions listed in topic 3.1:  Medication – antidepressants, antipsychotics (major tranquilisers), anxiolytics and others e.g. mood stabilisers  Counselling and talking therapies – Cognitive behavioural Therapy, Family therapy, grief therapy, exposure therapy, psychoanalysis  Self-help – exercise, attending support groups, relaxation, challenging negative thoughts, creative therapy( art therapy)  Other ECT


3.3 Impacts diagnosis can have on an individual


Guidance for 3.3 Learners critically analyse how conditions in 3.1 can impact on an individual’s ability to live well and its impact on others to include the effect that a diagnosis may have on an individual and their family and friends

  3.4 Support services and agencies that are available

 Guidance for 3.4 Learners describe support services and agencies that relate to mental health and wellbeing and demonstrate how they implement practice to encourage integration in order to better support those who access adult care mental health services. Services include:  Local and/or national initiatives

  3.5 Recovery from mental illness

 Guidance for 3.5 Learners carry out a concept analysis of the term ‘recovery’ in relation to mental health and wellbeing to include relevant and recent theories, approaches and models related to recovery in mental health Topic 3.6 Learners highlight potential tools that aid recovery orientated care, and consider the benefits of implementing new procedures into own service provision. For example:  WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Planning)  DREEM (Developing Recovery Enhancing Environments Measure)  Recovery Star


3.6 Tools to support recovery

Learning outcome 4: Understand substance misuse and self-harm

4.1 Types of self-harm and potential causes

 Guidance for 4.1 Learners investigate possible types, signs and causes of self-harm and suicidal ideation, this must include:  Types of self-harm  Causes of self-harm  Signs of self-harm and suicidal ideation  What action to take if suicidal ideation is expressed  Management of potential risks associated with self-harm and suicidal ideation The learner will then demonstrate via a chosen method how this information is disseminated to improve the knowledge of staff working within their area of service.

  4.2 Drugs that are often misused and their effects

 Guidance for 4.2 Learners analyse different drugs that are often misused to include:  Legal  Illegal  Controlled drugs  The integration of the above with other prescribed medication The learner must investigate the effects these drugs can have on those accessing adult care mental health services with consideration of both long and short term effects of misuse on physical, emotional, psychological and social health.

 4.3 Dangers associated with withdrawal from drugs

 Guidance for 4.3 Learners analyse the dangers associated with withdrawal from different substances.

  4.4 Specific services available to support those with substance misuse

 Guidance for 4.4 Learners identify support services and agencies including both local and national initiatives that relate to supporting those with substance abuse, self-harm and suicidal ideation and how these are promoted within their service area in order to better support those who access adult mental health services.

 Learning outcome 5: Developing future leadership and management practice

5.1 Recognise areas where mental health and wellbeing could be improved within service provision


Guidance for 5.1 In supporting the future development of their leadership and management role learners investigate three of the following and demonstrate how their findings will inform their future practice;  Coaching and mentoring - self and others  Challenging poor and unethical practice  Learning and development/CPD - self and others  Apprenticeships  Quality assurance and feedback  Compliance  Enhanced integration of health and care support services  Creating innovative solutions in transforming care services for people with mental health conditions  The importance of systems leadership  Collaborative working  Regulation and Governance – CQC  Quality and impact of supervision and appraisal on staff (management and/or clinical supervision/appraisal)  Domiciliary support and related services  Supported/Independent living  Supporting older people with mental health conditions  Public/community perception of people with mental health conditions  Supporting mental health services through increased digital technologies



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