Assignment 1: Narrated poster [40%]
The aim of this assignment is to comprehensively research a particular sustainability related topic, and to present your findings in a poster which could be presented at a conference on sustainable building information.
1.Research your topic based on reliable scientific sources, i.e. books, peer reviewed journal articles, or publications from recognized national or international bodies. The literature list for this unit and the Deakin library catalogue are a good starting point. You will need to research a range of literature related to the topic and its context in order to be able to identify the 5 (+‐2) key sources for your poster.
2.Based on your analysis of the literature, provide 5 (+‐2) bullet point answers (‐ WHAT does the concept, system or product do?
‐ HOW does it work, and how does it integrate with other systems and contextual requirements?
‐ WHY is it useful / better than a conventional solution?
‐ WHAT are potential disadvantages or constraints?
3.Summarize your research outcome in the poster title (‘hero statement’, 10 words or less!). The title must capture the interest of the observer, attract their attention, so they wish to know more. It also must acknowledge a full understanding of the SALIENT contribution/operation/ uniqueness of this concept, system or product.
4.The poster must be of EXTREME clarity and graphical SIMPLICITY, and yet provide IN‐DEPTH explanations. All information must be presented visually. Bullet points of text can be used to support the visual information. The Poster with the least amount of words, the MOST information and message, with the least amount of questions required to understand the message...”WINS”. It can be produced in any software you choose as long as the clarity and legibility of pictures and text is ensured.
Cloud and campus students: 3 minute narrated poster (submitted as one narrated PowerPoint slide or pdf) due Wednesday 10th of August 2016 at 11.59pm submitted on Cloud Deakin into Assignment 1 drop box.
Campus students only: Reviews of the narrated poster will take place on Friday 12th of August, schedule tba. Failure to participate in the review of the posters, will cause a 15% deduction of your mark.