This module aims to build on students’ knowledge of management accounting by looking at the wider measures of performance and decision making and the techniques that can be applied to such situations. The module attempts to give a broad understanding and critical evaluation of performance measurement. This includes quality and innovation as well as financial measures. The techniques and theory covered lead to a wider understanding of strategic decision making as well as overall company performance.
On completion of this module the successful student will be able to:
1. Analyse the role of strategic management accounting and management accounting information and evaluate current management issues in the context of decision making management planning and control;
2. Critically evaluate the theory and practise of Activity Based Costing;
3. Analyse planning structure information in the form of budgets and variances and critically evaluate the management accounting implications on performance measurement;
4. Critically evaluate innovations in strategic management accounting and the balanced scorecard;
5. Analyse and present information in an appropriate format and identify the key factors from sets of data.