For this report you will use Refinitiv Software to access financial information about the company you have been assigned.
- You will be guided through this process during regular lab time
- Half of you will attend the lab for the first hour; the remaining half will attend for the second hour.
- Watch for a notification email for your time to attend.
- Refinitiv software is also available in the Accounting Help Centre for you to use
- Use the excel template in the dropbox of your D2L shell to complete the assignment
- Use Refinitiv software to obtain:
- Financial statement information for your assigned company for the two most recent years
- o Download and save these statements to the excel sheet provided in the assignment dropbox
- Do an internet search to obtain:
- Industry standards or norms for the industry to which your assigned company belongs
- Market share price for the company you have chosen
- Using the excel template provided in the dropbox, and the financial statements saved in this same spreadsheet, calculate the required ratios for both years.
- Use formulas in excel (linking to the financial statements) to calculate amounts. For example:
- If there are values that are not available in your statements, clearly indicate on your spredsheet – it will be confirmed from the uploaded statements.
- Make sure all areas of the spreadsheet are formatted so that ALL information is easily readable and can be seen clearly (no hidden text because of formatting).
- Using what you have learned in chapters 3 and 4, prepare a financial analysis of the company. Once the ratios are calculated for both years, use this data to:
- Compare the company’s performance from the most recent year to the previous year.
- Compare the current year to the industry standard.
- Provide well rounded, comprehensive answers
- o What does this ratio itself indicate?
- o Comment on the company’s financial performance for the most recent year as compared to the previous year as well as to the industry standard or norm for that industry.
- o What do these changes tell you?
- o Did they increase or decrease, and what does this mean?
- o Are they improving or doing worse than the previous year?
- o How do they compare to the industry overall?