Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Articulate the aetiology, pathophysiology and presentation of major mental illnesses and addictions, and analyse their impact on individuals, their family and whãnau, at different life stages.
2. Analyse the concept of recovery in mental health and addiction services.
3. Discuss nursing assessments and analyse interventions to assist people who are experiencing an altered mental health or addiction status.
4. Analyse the impact of mental illness on an individual, their family, whãnau.
5. Apply relevant legislation and analyse ethical issues related to mental health.
Indicative Curriculum
. Stigma and discrimination
. Recovery approach
. Dual disability
. Fluid and medication management
. Clinical calculations
. Forensic, mental health
. Diabetes
. Lifespan approach
. Nursing management of mental illness and addiction e.g., anxiety and mood disorder
. Communicating with people with psychosis, personality disorder, alcohol,
Learning Activities
Group work
Problem solving
Active Learning
Critical thinking and analysis
Clinical decision making
BNKN6O1 will require you to gain knowledge of concepts of altered mental health across the lifespan. A major focus will be on the person experiencing psychiatricdisorders and addictions across the lifespan. Each week we explore an alteration in mental health including associated pathophyslology, psychology, and social
considerations. This will be presented via online lectures, guest speakers, tutorials, simulation1 set reading and self-directed learning. Based on (Hodge, Baxter-Magolda
& Haynes, 2009) philosophy of self-authorship,
BNKNGO1 learners are ecpected to be ‘self-initiating’ and fully accountable for meeting learning outcomes. Engaging in
self-directed learning will enable you to develop your academic literacy and holistic nursing practice. A variety of teaching strategies have been incorporated to meet a
range of learning styles.