Briefly introduce the person, how you came to interview this individual, and the environment/context in which the interview occurred

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Ecological and Cultural Analysis


You ill interview and assess an Hispanic emerging adult who is developmentally defined as such (i.e., is negotiating the developmental task of an emerging adult) and who is relative or someone you know well. The purpose of this assignment is to: 1) Sharpen your assessment skills, both observational and interviewing; and 2) integrate and apply relevant theories that will help you understand the person you interview. you will use the developmental/neurophysiological, ecological/system/cultural, and transitional framework discussed throughout the summer. Interview the individual for at least an hour. Treat this as an open-ended interview, letting the person tell his or her story. paper has to be 7 pages not excluding the reference page and title page. Outline of paper: 1) Briefly introduce the person, how you came to interview this individual, and the environment/context in which the interview occurred. 2) Describe the ecological/systems/cultural contexts in which the person lives. (e.g. class, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) expounding on the strengths and resilience draw from the persons culture as well as any oppression that have been or are currently being experienced by the person. Apply appropriate theories to the understanding of the individuals context and how their contexts have affected him or her. support your analysis with appropriate examples from the interview. 3) Describe and analyze development across these domains;place the individual within her/his context by discussing important information about the person, her/his multiple identities, background, current context, important family members and other relationships, strengths and struggles. Discuss the developmental tasks the individual is negotiating. Apply appropriate theories as applicable. learn about your interviewee`s background including early years, youth, adolescence and young adult. This information will determine their early development to predict later functioning. 4) Describe and analyze in a culturally sensitive manner the physical, cognitive, moral, social (family, intimates, and peers), emotions /effective, and spiritual domains of the person by applying age-appropriate theories. 5) Identify the multiple systems that surround him/her and within he/she is embedded. These included the multiple systems within their community that may affect hi,/her. Examples are work, school, organization, churches, federal or state systems such as child welfare or social security, and many others. Other systems which he/she may be embedded and may be related to their different cultural identities (e.g., race/ethnic-specific groups to which they belong or LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, or questioning) groups.. Each of the various systems may represent risk and/or protective factors, stressors and/or resources. Apply theories to help in developing a better understanding of these systems, and their effects on the individual. Support your analysis with appropriate examples from the interview. 6) Describe the societal context within which the individual reside and that is pertinent to that person. In other words, what of the large society`s norms, values, and systems has affected who this person is or with whom the person has interacted? These might include political systems, norms and values regarding specific stereotypes, entitlement programs, other types of financial support the person or family may or may to have received from the government or anything else that impacts the person that can best be explained at the societal level. 7) Include a brief summary discussion of the individual and systematic factors that have shaped this person`s life, the challenges or "issues" he/she currently faces, and how you think the person will navigate the current challenges. 8)At the end of this more formal analysis, write a paragraph or two commenting on your own experience of doing this assignment and the way or degree to which the interview confirmed and/or challenged your prior assumptions about aging. 9) Critically reflect on how your own cultural lens affected your observation, interview and analysis. 10) Writer demonstrate critical thinking skills, a minimum of six peer reviewed journal articles integrated into the paper and APA is properly utilized. The following questions may be helpful. 1. How does this person make meaning of her/his life; how does he/she convey a sense of self. 2. What are the multiple identities this person has developed and how have these identifies affected her/his life. 3. How does this person balance activities and intimacy now, as compared to how he/she balanced them during other times in life. 4. How is he/she coping with the task of aging. 5. How is or has this person been affected by strengths or weaknesses in physical health. 6. How does this individual currently relate to formal/informal support systems. 7. How has she/he done so through her/his life. 8. As this person speaks of the present and past, are strengths identified. 9. Do you hear examples/themes of resilience. citing Articals that need to in the paper. (1) Champagne, F.A., & Mashoodn, R. (2009). Gene environment interplay and the origins of individual differences in behaviors current direction in psychological science. (2) Champagne, F.A. (2009). Epigenetic influences of social experiences across the lifespan development psychobiology. (3) Society, D.L. (2006). Brain facts: A primer on the brain and nervous systems. (4) Rothery, M. (2008). Critical ecological systems theory. In N. Coady & P. Lehmann (Eds)s. Theoretical perspectives for direct social work (2nd ed.).. (5) NASW standards for integrating genetics into social work. (6) Hall, M.T., Scheyett, A., & Strom-Gottfried, K. (2008). No pain No gain: ethicss in the genomic revolution. Families in society: The journal of contemporary social services.

Do not do the title page, I can do that just start the paper off and end it with the citing page.


Ecological and Cultural Analysis Name: Institution Ecological and Cultural Analysis The following research delves into ecological and cultural developments that individuals in a society undergo with regards to the environmental variables that influence them. The study of cultural ecology is conducted in two ways; the diachronic study of the past epochs examining the different entities that entailed and secondly through the synchronous study of the present including its elements. It is perceived that the ecological perspectives in a society are inextricably linked to cultural evolution and other aspects that affect human organization (Hall et al., 2008). Response to stimuli is inextricably linked to the processes that occur within our environment. Since the past, there has been a connection linked between nature/ecological aspect and human culture from the ogre tales and allegories told in the yesteryears. It has evolved from the allegorical era of humans interacting with supernatural realm of nature especially notably in the renowned Ovid book, to the romanticism that was conceived at the age of enlightenment that was characterized with the progression of science and innovations (Champagne, 2009). It was considered to have substantially influenced world politics as world transforms from autocracy to liberalism. The attitude of nationalism too was conceived in the era as cultural dynamics evolved due to novel ecological changes that were inspired by medieval...


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