BTM4TOS Tourism and Society

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1 To provide knowledge and understanding of sociological theories and concepts and how they are related to the tourism industry and tourists themselves

2 To enhance understanding on the inter-relationship between tourism and societies which generate, sustain and receive tourism

3 To introduce concepts which are central to the study of tourism management such as fairness, equity of access and participation in tourism.

Essay discussing the socio-cultural and socio-economic impacts of tourism on society, the interrelationship between poverty and tourism, and the role community participation can play in the development of sustainable tourism

Assessment of students will be through both formative and summative approaches. The formative activities will serve as scaffolding for the summative assessment, providing both feedback and feedforward to improve quality ahead of the summative deadline.


Formative assessments will take place at regular intervals throughout the module delivery and will focus on different segments of the materials and of the assessment, with the aim of ensuring full understanding of summative requirements prior to deadline.

Feedback to students on the summative module assessment will provide feedforward for the formative and summative assessment. This will aid students in improving the quality of their submissions as they progress through the programme. Feedforward from both formative and summative assessments will serve as continuous scaffolding for assessment improvement throughout the educational journey.

Formative assessments may include a digital activity such as a Kahoots quiz, reflective task on current progress, writing session in class with supervision and feedback.


Students are required to produce one written essay of 3,000 words examining the social and environmental impacts of tourism. This assessment will check students’ wider understanding of the interaction and interdependence of the people, places and processes involved in the tourism industry especially taking into account issues around sustainability, equality and access.

Price: £121

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