Computer Network Systems
A comparison between Novell, Windows, Mac, UNIX and Linux server operating systems.
Novell |
Windows |
Mac |
Linux |
Cost |
A proprietary software |
A proprietary software |
A proprietary software |
An open – source software |
An open – source software |
Authentication |
A centralized login |
Identifies a domain account or local computer and network authentication |
A centralized login |
A centralized login |
A centralized login |
Interoperability |
Can set clients for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT |
Windows 2000, 2003, 2008 support Novell, Mac Unix and Linux |
Uses SAMBA for file sharing with Windows and Network File System for UNIX and Linux |
Uses SAMBA for file sharing with Windows |
Uses SAMBA for file sharing with Windows |
Security |
Utilizes user-level security where the domain controller grants access to shared resources |
Supports public key infrastructure for the use of a public certificate |
Utilizes user-level access privileges |
Network services can controlled individually to increase security |
Network services can controlled individually to increase security |
Examples |
Netware 6.5 SP8 |
Windows Server 2012 R2 |
Mac OS 9.2.2 |
SCO UnixWare 7.1.4 |
Linux 3.17 |
LANs and WANs differ in many ways with the distance that they cover being the major distinguishing factor. LANs cover a small area such as a building or two while a WAN covers a larger geographical area and usually consists of two or more LANs (White 2013). A LAN consists of workstations personal computers, printers, other nodes connected using a switch, and data cables, while for a WAN, public networks are connected using satellites or leased cables to become part of the internet (White 2013). A very common topology in a LAN is the ring topology with communication performed using IP addressing and IP communication protocols. This is not the same with WAN since they majorly use a mesh topology where a router connects the LANs and other routers with TCP/IP protocols being used (White 2013).
The Client/Server model is a more common when compared to the Peer-to-Peer model. However, it has many shortcomings such as network congestion as only one server attends to all the clients’ request and, as a result, it may lead to dumping of some requests. The Client/Server model is also not robust since, whenever the server fails, the whole network breaks down too. This model is expensive to install due to the high level of centralization of resources and due to the high amount of cabling required. In addition, due to its traffic, the model wastes a lot of bandwidth since only one request is attended at a time. This model can be said to be slow due to the use of a single resource, which is the server (Rahimi & Haug, 2010).
A global WAN will have a huge financial impact on the firm due to the high level of initial costs incurred in installation of the network. Therefore, in order to achieve an optimum network performance. A firm will have to weigh the costs involved in the integration of voice data, video data (for video conferencing), synchronous and asynchronous data as well as LAN traffic into the network. In all of these instances, a firm is required to make a high level of investment in both equipment and software as well. Fortunately, with geographical coverage being the greatest barrier, the company may capitalize on the established fiber optic cable to cut costs (Chao, 2010). The difference in timelines may also prove to be a barrier for the French since they are hours ahead of their Peru, Hungary and United States counterparts. Therefore, only the appropriate resources should be directed to the connection to France.