Critical Analysis of the strong points of an article
Analysis of the strong points of the paper written by David Marginson, Stuart Ogden (2005): Coping with ambiguity through the budget: the positive effects of budgetary targets on managers’ budgeting behaviours, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 30, pp.435-456
Critical analysis:
Part 1:
• Identify important strong points in the paper
• Include papers(literature) that may support your criticism
• Your argumentation needs to be strengthened with the findings or arguments from this literature
Part 2:
• Some new relevant literature that is about the topic addressed in the paper of Marginson &Ogden
• What does this new (recent) literature say about this topic?
I uploaded the article that needs to be analyzed as well as some other articles about management control that will help with the argumentation for the strong points.