Consider the following newspaper stories:
`In Financial Crisis, No Prosecutions of Top Figures` (New York Times, 2011)
`HSBC money-laundering procedures `have flaws too bad to be revealed` (Guardian, 2015)
`Sir Philip Green must repay £400m or lose knighthood, says MP` (Guardian, 2016)
Critically analyse the extent to which Sutherland`s work around the definition of `white collar crime` formulated in the 1940s can be used to explain the issues written about in these types of articles (1500 words).
The essay is first and foremost and above all an opportunity for you to display your knowledge of white collar crime and its links, as appropriate, with other theories like for instance Strain Theory. There are a number of general theories of criminology which help to explain white collar crime as well as Sutherland`s and other`s (see reading in Newburn for instance) work directly on white collar crime. You should start with a definition and then critique it to see if it is still appropriate for the post modern era. You should use the news stories I put in the question, and others as you see fit, to help illustrate those theories as the stories are examples of white collar crime happening right now or in the recent past.
In summary the stories are a vehicle for you to display your criminological knowledge, not the other way around so you could prepare a generic discussion of white collar crime and add in detail from the stories to help your `interested but uninformed lay reader` understand white collar crime, that is one approach which could work.