Assignment 3 (60%)
Hybrid power units, making use of both electric and internal combustion technology, have been identified as an attractive approach to reducing the emissions from transportation. A niche area where hybrid systems could have benefits, but which has attracted little attention is that of Micro-Cars. These are one or two-person passenger vehicles, with a low-capacity engine, low body mass, and restricted speed. Similar vehicles are sometimes used for deliveries, for carrying tools used by trades-people and other non-passenger applications. Vehicles of this type are found in certain areas of Europe. Research the development of an innovative hybrid motive power system for this application. Design the powertrain using technology discussed in this module. Decide which techniques you are going to use and justify your selection. For example, you may choose to use Lithium-ion battery pack for the prime motive source or you may decide to use fuel cell with peaking power source such as battery, flywheel, ultra-capacitor, etc. Whatever the choice, it should be justified with sound reasons such as cost, safety, efficiency, reliability and so on. Make sketches to show your design. Detailed drawings and simulation are not necessary but you should note where components would be located and used.