International business: US Congress approved NAFTA
Put your answer to the question assigned to you below in the Discussion Conference in the Discussion section of the course. When answering the question, state the question number and the page number of the question you are answering. Answer the question, add additional information about the subject, and provide example(s) to get 5 points. #5. (ch.4, pg.131) The US Congress approved the North American Free Trade Agreement despite strong opposition from organized labor. Do you agree with labor`s opposition to NAFTA? Explain. Book- International Business, 12th edition, Irwin/McGraw
Name: University: Course: Tutor: Date: #5. (ch.4, pg.131) The US Congress approved the North American Free Trade Agreement despite strong opposition from organized labor. Do you agree with labor`s opposition to NAFTA? Explain The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a treaty signed on 21st August 19991 by three countries namely the U.S, Mexico and Canada. It was created to eliminate tariff barriers to trade, protect intellectual property and remove investment restrictions. The elimination of the barriers of trade a...