Student Name Course Title Course Instructor Date of Submission Introduction This paper is a critical comparison of McMullen and Shepherd`s Entrepreneurial Action and the Role of Uncertainty in the Theory of the Entrepreneur and Endres and Woods` Modern Theories of Entrepreneurial Behavior. The paper analyzes and gives a critique of the two articles in terms of the approaches used in discussing the behavioral perspective of entrepreneurship and the different arguments on this topic by the various theories, assumptions and approaches. Similarities between the articles Both articles recognize the fact that an entrepreneur must act in order to create new ventures or enter new markets. The article by McMullen and Shepherd explains the role of uncertainty in entrepreneur action. The authors discuss various theories, approaches and assumptions that explain the role of uncertainty in the action of entrepreneurs. In recognizing the importance of entrepreneurial action in business enterprise, Endres and Woods discuss at length the differences in behavior of entrepreneurial action. The authors describe that the behavior which lead into decision making by entrepreneurs to act in response to business opportunities vary among individuals even if the circumstances are the same. Action and entrepreneurial decisions are...