Evaluate Seth Goldman leadership performance on the concept of the “Triple Bottom Line” using at least two (2) examples from both resources (at least four [4] total examples) to support your evaluation.
Goldman Leadership Overview
Seth Goldman, a social entrepreneur based out of Bethesda MD, kicked off the Center for Social Value Creation Forum at Smith School of Business with the right spirit.
Goldman, after his MBA
Evaluate Seth Goldman leadership performance on the concept of the “Triple Bottom Line” using at least two (2) examples from both resources (at least four [4] total examples) to support your evaluation.
Goldman Leadership Overview
Seth Goldman, a social entrepreneur based out of Bethesda MD, kicked off the Center for Social Value Creation Forum at Smith School of Business with the right spirit.
Goldman, after his MBA from Yale, worked at Calvert group for couple of years. Calvert group is a socially responsible investment company that invests clients’ money in companies that add social value to their return. At Calvert, Goldman realized his passion for being a socially responsible entrepreneur and decided to pursue his dream.
Goldman called his professor at Yale to discuss his business idea making “less sweet” beverages. Together, they came up with a concept of “Honest Tea”. Goldman mentioned in his speech today that at that time he thought “Tea” was the most important part of the name and realized later that the “Honest” part is what’s still keeping the business flourishing. The social value Goldman and his partner see in their product is the production and distribution of natural beverages and the preservation of the health aspects of tea during the bottling process.
Goldman went on to describe the years it took to build distribution channels for his product, culminating in a partnership with Coca Cola…