Sport EducationIntroductionHealth and physical education is an imperative aspect of school curricula. Most especially at these times, the emphasis on obesity has been gaining popularity (Macdonald, Hunter & Tinning, 2007). This is due to the fact that childhood obesity is rising worldwide (Ebbeling, Pawlak & Ludwig, 2002).Since children spend most of their time in school, teachers and school administrates should be aware of their responsibility in offering a curriculum that tackles health and physical activities. Teachers are responsible for providing children ample time to exercise. The school also has the responsibility of providing relevant education regarding good health and health awareness to children.According to the Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation, Victorian Branch (2009a, p. 3):“The Health and Physical Education domain requires students to develop knowledge, skills and behaviours that enable them to maintain good health and live a healthy lifestyle, understand the role of physical activity in ensuring good health and engage in physical activity.â€Thus, Health and Physical Education can be an important measure in addressing obesity in children. It also helps in molding well-rounded children, who are physically and mentally healthy.Specifically, Physical Education is defined as the process through which physical educators use dance, sports, gymnastics, games, aquatics, and outdoor education in teaching motor and fitness skills to students (ACHPER, Victorian Branch, 2009b). Physical Education is also used to develop students` social and personal skills (ACHPER, Victorian Branch, 2009b). It has been reported that encouraging physical activity in children through physical education results to various physical and mental benefits (McCormack, Giles-Corti, Timperio et al., 2011).Sport Education is an academic undertaking that allows students to understand rules, tactics or strategies of different sports. Through Sport Education, students will be able to develop essential sport skills as well as to appreciate codes of behaviour that are necessary when they engage in sports (ACHPER, Victorian Branch, 2009b). Sport Education is a component of Physical Education programs.As such, a Sport is described as a vigorous physical activity, which involves placing one person in competition against another (ACHPER, Victorian Branch, 2009b). The purpose of such Sports is for fun, for the discovery of a person`s limits and capabilities, or for diversion and amusement (ACHPER, Victorian Branch, 2009b). Furthermore, sports have been widely advocated to keep individuals interested in wholesome activities and thus, drug prevention is also promoted. Sports also promote proper teamwork appreciation for children. Through such exposure, children are being trained to work in groups, which is imperative in future work situations. Finally, engagement in sports allows children to improve their social skills. Through sports, child...