On successful completion of this module the student should be able to:
1 Critically analyse and evaluate the impact of social determinants of health on health and wellbeing.
2 Provide a critical discussion which demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the principles and practice of community development and empowerment.
3 Critically analyse and evaluate the relationship between communication and public involvement in relation to public health service provision.
4 Synthesise knowledge from a range of sources to discuss partnership working.
5 Critically discuss and evaluate the application of public health theory to social action explaining the relevance to public health practice development.
In 250 words identify the health issue you plan to use in your summative assessment and critically justify why this is an important public health concern. This will be peer assessed during a formative workshop
In a 3,000-word essay critically evaluate how public health practitioners can utilise social action approaches to address one identified health issue in an area of your choice. This essay should critically evaluate how the social determinants of health can impact on the identified health problem and how the principles and practice of community development can be employed to work with the community to address this issue.
Further information about the module can be found in the Module Descriptor. You can access this via a hyperlink link on the module GCU Learn site by clicking on the tab labelled ‘Module Information’. Please read this document carefully and if you have any questions, contact the module leader.