Assignment Topic: Occupational Health and long-term diseases prevention
Discuss the importance of occupational health principles for long term occupational diseases
The discussion should include;
• Health promotion
• Physical fitness testing
• Health services
• Health surveillance
• Occupational health in practice (vocational rehabilitation, return to work,
absence management)
You should use an example of occupational disease(s) that could arise from hazards in your
workplace or where you have most work experience, providing descriptions of the workplace,
task analysis, population at risk etc. for further discussion.
Presentation of your assignment
1. Your report should not exceed 2,500 words ± 10%, not including reference list.
2. Please only utilise appropriate references from the year 2010 to present, which should include
15-25 individual references.
3. Assignments must be submitted online by 23:59 on the date of submission.
General Assignment Instructions
Ensure that you have read and understand the UCD plagiarism policy and with what constitutes
plagiarism before you submit your assignment. It is advised that all students undertake the UCD
Library Plagiarism Quiz Online in the Library website. Submitting through Brightspace
automatically enters your assignment into plagiarism detection software called Urkund.
The late submission policy will apply for all late arrivals unless you have been notified that late
submission is not permitted.
You will receive a provisional individual grade in Brightspace within 20 working days of the
submission date of the assignment (A – G, as per grade descriptors). The grade will contribute to
your final grade for the module. Each student will receive an assignment feedback sheet on