NameCourseCollegeIdentifying a problemThe problem in question that has been identifies is the occupational health exposure to pathogens in the nursing profession. In the course of their day to day operations as health practitioners nurses are exposed to a high proximity of contracting pathogens in the line of their duty. However this may happen due to negligence by not using the prerequisite safety apparatus while some cases may be beyond their help.Developing a questionAfter careful analysis and by implementing the PICOT strategy the following was the resultant question that I came up with. How occupational health exposure to pathogens/bacteria in the nursing profession can be minimized.Selecting sources of literature 1 Arnoldussen, B. (2007). Change your career: Nursing as your new profession. New York: Kaplan Publishing.Rapid AppraisalThis particular book tries to give the in depth understanding of the risks involved in the nursing profession which involve exposure to bacteria and other bacteria when handling patients. It summarizes a statistical overview of the extent to which he problem has taken root in medical facilities across the world selecting a few examples for clarity purposes. The book insists on the need for safety procedures to be strictly adhered to reduce the unnecessary exposure to pathogens. 2 American Association of Occupational Health Nurses. (1986). AAOHN journal: Official journal of the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses. Atlanta, Ga: Published by SLACK Inc. for the AAOHN.Rapid AppraisalThis journal explains the situation in America of how vulnerable nurses are to pathogen and bacteria exposure. It analyzes graphically that 60%of these case are out of negligence while 25% are beyond the control of the nurses. It reiterates that if the safety precautions are strictly followed the vice can be brought under control. 3 American Public Health Association. (1971). American journal of public health: JPH. New York, N.Y: American Publi...