This proposal assessment forms the foundation of your Research Project
(SH6P06 Assessment 2).
This proposal assessment forms the foundation of your Research Project
(SH6P06 Assessment 2).
Have you read around your research
Have you provided background
information of important historical and
contextual events/ research which
informs the reader about why and how
the health issue you are interested in
exists as a problem?
Have you evidenced the health issue
with relevant statistics showing the
nature and extent of the problem
including past and current statistical
variations supported by relevant
literature sources? What other studies
have been conducted and what is their
relevance to your research topic? Have
you identified and given a brief
overview of the policy/ strategy or
policies/ strategies whose outcomes
in terms of interventions you will
critically assess in the project and or
the theoretical perspectives you will
critically discuss ? Why is this research
topic important to your field of
practice? Have you presented a
Justification Statement? i.e. objectively
justifying the research topic using
relevant literature sources?