Show evidence of understanding core components of academic literacy/skills.

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Academic Skills Portfolio (ACSK4001)



Student Number:


Tutor name:



This is your Academic Skills ONLINE Portfolio. Please save a copy on your computer and back it up regularly (e.g. by saving it on your computer / in the cloud (e.g. Google Drive) / emailing it to yourself. You will receive a printed copy which you should bring to all lectures and tutorials. However, at the end of the course, you need to submit this electronic copy. Please refer to suggested word counts for each task included within this portfolio.

The deadline for uploading the online portfolio is:



Write the names of the students in your study group here:

Assessed Learning Outcomes:

  • Show evidence of understanding core components of academic literacy/skills.
  • Apply critical thought to a range of tasks, and do so with a minimum of external guidance in particular situations.
  • To reflect, analyse and discuss strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities personally and academically.
  • Use appropriate technologies to facilitate the completion of self-analysis/reflection.



Week 1: self-evaluation checklist


Below is a list of the skills you will need during your university and professional career. Tick (✓) the appropriate box for each skill, according to how well you think you can do this.


Do not know about this

Find this difficult/ can’t do this

Can partially do this

Can do this well

Looking for information

Identify which books/journals/websites to use

Select relevant parts of a text

Evaluate sources

Using sources

Acknowledge sources of information

Synthesize information from more than one source

Write a reference list correctly

Avoid plagiarism

Planning/ writing

Brainstorm ideas

Plan written work

Link ideas effectively

Paraphrase & summarise ideas

Write an introduction

Write a conclusion

Critically edit written work

Independent study

Work independently (without lecturers)

Work as part of a (study) group

Oral presentation

Give a presentation on my work

Brainstorm ideas with peers

Discuss written work in a tutorial

Deal effectively with questions


Access the internet

Use search engines

Create word documents

Use PowerPoint


Week 1: personal SWOT analysis




[Things within my control]


[Personal barriers; things stopping me, but still within my control]

  1. 1.       Click here to enter text.
  2. 1.        





4 Top 5 Strengths/talents (Gallup test):




[People, resources, opportunities]


[Things outside of my control]












Week 3: Presenting and analysing data

As a group, you are now going to visually present the data you were given to highlight what you believe are the most important points. Decide with your group what you think is the best way of presenting the data in order for it to be: a) effective given your context, and b) engaging for your audience.

Remember to correctly reference your data!

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Week 3: Written analysis of Data

Analysing data

Using your data, first discuss, and then plan how to present the following information (1-6). Make notes next to each bullet point:

  1. Describe your data (What is it? Where does it come from? What area is it focussing on?):
  2. Summarise what the data shows in general:
  3. Choose one or two areas of the data to look at in detail and explain why you think they are significant:
  4. Highlight the important trends and differences/comparisons in the areas you have chosen:
  5. What are possible explanations for what the data is showing? (remember to reference wider research to back your ideas up):
  6. Make a recommendation for further action that could arise from the data:

Individually write your data analysis as a paragraph (approx. 300 words). Remember to refer to the graph/chart you made.

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Week 4: Evaluating sources & critically engaging with texts


In your study groups, evaluate 3 different text from your reading list, or ones you have found. During class your lecturer will give you questions to guide you through this process.

Resource type:

(book, journal, video)

& citation/reference

Text A

Text B

Text C





















Further notes/ comments





Week 5: Synthesising

In groups of 2 or 3: you are going to discuss the similarities and difference or different texts. You each need to read and understand a text, tell your group about it, and make notes.

Write (in note form) the key ideas for the 3 different texts:

Text A:

In-text citation:

Key ideas:


Text B:

In-text citation:

Key ideas:


Text C:

In-text citation:

Key ideas:


Individually: write up a paragraph which synthesises (combines) the ideas you talked about with your study group. Remember to include in-text citations and link your ideas using linking words! (Suggested word count: 200 words).

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Week 6: Structuring your writing

During your tutorial you will learn how to group ideas and develop paragraphs to give structure to your academic writing. Using the assignment outline in your paper portfolio will help you to do this.


In this box, include a plan/ outline for your academic writing (report or essay):  


Week 7: Presenting your assignment


At university, you are often asked to present your research. In week 9 you will deliver a short 10-minute presentation (7 minutes delivery + 3 minutes for Qs) in class to a small group.

Below plan your presentation: (e.g. a screen shot of your PowerPoint slides

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Week 8: Editing and proofreading your portfolio: using the marking criteria to understand how to get a first!



Good evidence

Some evidence

Insufficient evidence

Knowledge and understanding of the subject


  1. Demonstrates overall understanding of core academic skills, evidenced both with the portfolio tasks and academic writing tasks.

B. Demonstrates independent reading and research.

C. Has an understanding of conducting primary research (appropriate to level 4).

D. Has a convincing introduction, arguments/ discussion and conclusion for the written assignment.

E. Demonstrates an understanding of the subject material related to programme of study.

Cognitive/ Intellectual skills

F.  Clear and logical argument/ discussion and structure.

G. Shows evidence of applying critical thought to a range of tasks.

H. Has backed up discussion/ arguments with evidence.

  1.     I.   Has evidence of some analysis and evaluation (appropriate to level 4).        

Graduate skills for Life and employment.

J.  Insightful reflection on own strengths and weaknesses.

K.  Effective written communication skills (e.g. have they written in an appropriate academic style?) is the report/essay format successful? Is the reflective writing appropriately written? Is it professional?

L.  Effective visual presentation.





Type 3 short bullet points here:

Click here to enter text.


Areas of improvement:

Type 3 short bullet points here:

Click here to enter text.
















Week 9: Post-presentation reflection


At University and work you’ll often be asked to provide feedback, and reflect on your performance and that of your peers and colleagues. Using the table below, write notes about your presentation. You should include any points of interest in your reflective writing task in section 1.

Your groups’ comment


(How clear, complete and informative was the presentation?)





Audience Engagement

(How enjoyable / interesting did the audience find it?)





(How well-structured was it? How well did the visuals support it?)






(How slick and professional was it?)




Your reflection


(How clear, complete and informative was the presentation?)




Audience Engagement

(How enjoyable / interesting did the audience find it?)





(How well-structured was it? How well did the visuals support it?)






(How slick and professional was it?)




Action Points

(What could you do better in future presentations?)



Week 10: self-evaluation checklist

You have reached the end of the course. Tick the appropriate box for each skill, according to how well you think you can do this now. Has anything changed? This should help inform your reflective summary.



Do not know about this

Find this difficult/ can’t do this

Can partially do this

Can do this well

Looking for information

Identify which books/journals/websites to use

Select relevant parts of a text

Evaluate sources

Using sources

Acknowledge sources of information

Synthesize information from more than one source

Write a reference list correctly

Avoid plagiarism

Planning/ writing

Brainstorm ideas

Plan written work

Link ideas effectively

Paraphrase & summarise ideas

Write an introduction

Write a conclusion

Critically edit written work

Independent study

Work independently (without lecturers)

Work as part of a (study) group

Oral presentation

Give a presentation on my work

Brainstorm ideas with peers

Discuss written work in a tutorial

Deal effectively with questions


Access the internet

Use search engines

Create word documents





Week 10: Personal development plan (PDP)

Specific- Measurable- Achievable- Realistic- Timescale- (SMART)


During your university and professional career you will be asked to write a PDP, or set your own objectives. This PDP (below) should include goals for the development of your Academic skills after the completion of the module. Be specific when setting your goals and how you will achieve and measure them (use SMART).




Success criteria

Completed when by?


To improve my ability to write in an academic style

To record useful academic vocabulary when reading academic texts. To use appropriate language when I write an assignment

Feedback from peers and lecturers.

April 2017






























You are the CEO of a business. Write a short business report (900 words) to your local government based on The UK’s withdrawal from The European Union, and how this will impact on your area of interest/business.

*You can find more guidance regarding this topic (including reading lists) on GSM learn

As this is a report, you can include the following features: subheadings, bullet points, charts and graphs.



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SECTION 2: ACADEMIC WRITING (Law students only)


You are a member of The Law Society. You have been asked to publish an essay (900 words) in the Law Society magazine based on The UK’s withdrawal from the EU (you can access  your reading list via GSM Learn).

As this is an essay you should write in full sentences and paragraphs



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Summary (all students)

In both academic and professional settings you’ll often be asked to reflect on your learning and/or work experience. Write a 300-word reflective summary (using Gibbs’ reflective model to help guide you) about your experience of the Academic Skills module and what you have learned.

Your summary should include two paragraphs on:

  • Your experience of working with a (study) group in an academic context. You should include something you learned from the post-presentation reflection here (150 words).
  • One key academic skill you have developed as a result of taking this module (150 words)


 Remember to write in full sentences and use paragraphs



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