General Purpose: to inform, to persuade, or to entertain
Target audience:
Specific Purpose Statement: a statement of what you want your audience to do when you finish your speech.
Main point/thesis statement: a one-sentence summary of your speech.
The introduction should be written out word for word. Use complete sentences in your outline. The introduction should include the following:
1. Attention getter;
2. Preview of the speech;
3. Establish the credibility and goodwill of the speaker: state your qualification (experience/research) to speak about this topic.
transition: Move from the introduction into the main point of the body.
I. A single complete sentence expressing the main point of this section of the speech.
A. Subpoint (As with main points, subpoints should be written in full sentences.)
1. Sub-subpoint: written in full sentences.
2. Sub-subpoint
B. Subpoint
transition: Use a transition or connective to move from one main point to the next.
II. A single complete sentence expressing the main point of this section of the speech.
A. Subpoint
B. Subpoint
1. Sub-subpoint
a. Sub-sub-subpoint
b. Sub-sub-subpoint
2. Sub-subpoint
transition: Use a transition or connective to move from one main point to the next.
III. A single complete sentence expressing the main point of this section of the speech.
A. Subpoint
1. Sub-subpoint
2. Sub-subpoint
B. Subpoint
1. Sub-subpoint
2. Sub-subpoint
3. Sub-subpoint
C. Subpoint
transition: Use a transition or connective to move with from the body of the speech to the conclusion.
The conclusion should be written out word for word. The conclusion should contain the following objectives:
1. Review your main points;
2. Make a memorable statement.
At least two references are required. The reference section should include your citations following the American Psychological Association (APA) format.