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Assignment 2



10 October 2016










For the purposes of this Assignment 2 you are now the CIO of the multi-national company (you identified in Assignment 1).


As the CIO you are impressed with the concept of the app presented to you in Assignment 1 by the Manager, and have commissioned, on your behalf, a senior member of your ICT department to prepare a comprehensive report to the CFO of the company presenting a case for the strategic development, implementation and integration of the app within the existing organizational and information systems framework.


There are a number of technical and non-technical issues that need to be fully researched and investigated in writing up your report with specific reference to the proposed app from Assignment 1. Clearly state any assumptions you have had to make in attempting to address any of the topics. Also please note that in keeping within the page length restrictions you give due weighting and consideration to each of the topics based on your own determinations.


The report will include:


  1. The problem
  2. The concept and solution (do not repeat the UI diagrams from Assignment 1)
  3. Key features of the app
  4. Business case
  5. Target audience
  6. Strategic alignment within the organization`s business and IT strategies
  7. Value proposition and other benefits
  8. Infrastructure requirements including

8.1. Development platforms

8.2. Coding languages and tools

8.3. Use of cloud services

  1. Software design, development and testing strategies
  2. Internationalization for a global market
  3. Social media integration strategies
  4. Risk management - privacy, security, confidentiality, ethical issues etc.
  5. Deployment and integration strategies
  6. User acceptance and change management
  7. Legacy systems

15.1. Database integration

15.2. Enterprise data integration

  1. Maintenance
  2. Future opportunities and enhancements
  3. Recommendations and conclusion




  1. This assignment must follow the guidelines for report writing.
  2. The maximum number of pages is 10 (ten) including ALL materials.
  3. There must be evidence in your report that your app is directly related to the organization/industry/business/service that you have been assigned. Failure to do so will result in zero marks being awarded for this assignment.




The file naming guidelines are as follows:


  1. It is important that you use this convention to ensure that assignments can be tracked: Familyname_studentnumber_CIS8000_A2
  2. Replace ‘familyname’ with YOUR family or surname
  3. Replace ‘studentnumber’ with YOUR student number (which starts with ‘00’)


  1. Submit your assignment using the Online Assignment Submission link on the Study Desk
  2. Late submission of assignment work
  3. Late assignments will be penalised unless permission has been granted by the course leader BEFORE the assignment due date. Late assignments may be penalised by reducing the allocated mark by 5% per day late.




  1. Ideas obtained from sources must be included in your discussion by expressing the idea in your words and citing the source using the Harvard Referencing style.


  1. Direct quotes of more than five (5) words will not be considered a demonstration of your knowledge and will be assessed accordingly.


  1. The assignment must be the expression of your own work. It is acceptable to discuss course content with others to improve your understanding and clarify requirements, but solutions to this assignment must be done on your own.


  1. You must not copy from anyone, including tutors and fellow students, nor provide copies of your work to others. Assignments that do not adhere to this requirement will be deemed as being the result of collusion or plagiarism. This may lead to severe academic penalties as outlined in Academic Regulation 5.10 of the USQ Handbook. It is your own responsibility to ensure the integrity of your work. Refer to the Faculty of Business policy for further details.


  1. NOTE: Your assignment will be sent automatically to the plagiarism checking website Turnitin when you submit your assignment.

Price: £109

100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written - Tailored to Your Instructions