Running head: Impacts of carbon tax on aviation industryImpacts of carbon tax on aviation industryName:Subject:College:Instructor:Date:AbstractThe current carbon tax facing the Australian Airline/Aviation sector has posed a great threat not only to the economical status of this industry but to all sectors such as tourism and entirely the economical stability of the country. It is therefore appropriate to conduct a report on evaluation of the carbon tax while intense understanding on the effect of such Tax on the aviation fuel and the general aviation industry. Therefore, in the aviation sector there are likely two categories of effects namely the short-haul flight effects as well as the long-haul flight. However, short and medium distance flights would be much affected as compared to the long distance flights. Eventually, airlines relying on tourists as the main source of customers would realize a sudden decline in the number of flights compared to the number before the implementation of the Tax law. I therefore intend to conduct engage into a report that would cover the impact of carbon Tax on Australian Airline Business in particular. Engaging practical examples from different case studies related to the topic under study, I therefore intend to major on the impact of carbon tax on aviation industry as well as its affiliates in Australia. Equally enough, there is the intense need for stakeholders and entrepreneurs in the airline industry to consider purchasing jet fuel that contains minimal amounts of carbon toxins, despite the hiked price, so as to act in accordance with the policyContents TOC o "1-3" h z u Abstract PAGEREF _Toc355707213 h 2Definition and introduction to carbon tax PAGEREF _Toc355707214 h 4Background PAGEREF _Toc355707215 h 4Aspects or Issues & Problems (impacts of the current Carbon tax PAGEREF _Toc355707216 h 4Discussion PAGEREF _Toc355707217 h 5Aviation sector PAGEREF _Toc355707218 h 5Employment in Airline sector PAGEREF _Toc355707219 h 6Hotel and Tourism sectors PAGEREF _Toc355707220 h 6Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc355707221 h 7Recommendations and implementation PAGEREF _Toc355707222 h 7Reference list PAGEREF _Toc355707223 h 9Introduction to carbon taxAccording to Gillard (2010), it is worthy argument that the Australian government had announced that it would impose carbon tax on all the transport sectors and all other industries emitting Carbon during the operational procedure. By then, the law was to be fully engaged by the 1st of July in 2012, with the aim of transforming this policy to marked-based trading scheme of such emissions. With the Australian government having declared introduction of carbon tax which became functional as of July 2012, this action saw an initial tax price of $23 per Tonne of emitted carbon (CO2-e). This is in action with the Australia`s government to attain at least 5 percent carbon emission reduction by the year 2020 Gillard (2010), since the international carbon reduction policy see...