The Researching HR Professional Reflexive Account
There is an increasing recognition in management literature for the need for managers and associated professions (e.g. HR) to be reflexive, agile and responsive to an ever-increasing turbulent environment. The recognition of reflexive practitioners is at the heart of management learning and development.
This module has been designed too:
- Develop your understanding of your authentic identities as a person; practitioner; manager; professional
- Increase your awareness of your positionality (your world view) as a person; practitioner, manager, professional
- Challenge your assumptions in terms of values, personality, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, the way you act and behave
- Start to uncover your professional identity as a HR Practitioner as a Researching Professional
- Start to uncover your professional identity as a potential Line Manager
This assessment is a critical qualitative inquiry research design in the form of reflexive accounts as a Vlog or an Audio Blog Reflection supported by a Research Design. The focus of the critical qualitative inquiry is for you to consider.
This research is focused on your personal and professional identity as a Researching HR Professional/Practitioner/Line Manager. You will express and articulate this as framed as 3 behaviours from one of the following CIPD framework
- Future HR Practitioner using the CIPD framework located at
This as a reflexive account in the form of a 5-to-8-minute artful Vlog or an artful Audio Reflective blog which is a reflexive account (story, reflection, account) of either:
- A single experience
- A Life Event (ongoing impact)
- A single Feeling or Emotion impact in multiple experiences (or events)
- How Others See you
Within the vlog or audio reflective blog you should use ‘data’ to illuminate your reflexive account and these can be in the following form;
- Creative poetics for example, photographs, drawings, proverbs, poetry, lyrics, extracts from novels and religious texts
- Framed as metaphors
- Through performance (e.g., dance, plays, musical performance)
Building and Designing a Literature Review
For research there is a requirement for positioning the study within its’ relevant theoretical context by conceptualising the focus (aim) of the study. For this critical qualitative inquiry on the being and becoming a reflexive practitioner) your literature review is the theoretical justification for the design of your vlog or audio reflective blog. This is framed around reflective learning and this gives you permission to be vulnerable, discover your authentic identities.
To build the literature review you should.
- Read the readings from the sessions which are located within the My Module Resources
- Complete a literature search in ‘Reflective Practice Periodical’ (located within the University Library)
- Complete a google scholar search for key scholars; key words (reflective learning approaches)
- Locate articles in other periodicals including Journal of Management Development, Teaching and Teacher Education; Studies in HE
Building and designing a ‘Method’
This is how you designed your artful annotated Vlog or Audio Blog and as indicated in the assessment brief and guide there are sections you are required to consider. As part of the research design for this critical qualitative inquiry on the being and becoming a Researching HR Professional is the philosophical positioning of the study. This is influenced by the positionality of the researcher (this clouds the perspective of the researcher due to class, sexuality, gender, geographical location, education, faith, spirituality); voice and agency of the researcher. Furthermore, this is determined by.
- The research aim.
- The research approach (creative – using poetics as a form of artful embodiment).
- Positionality as a Researcher
Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated
K1 A critical awareness and understanding of the potential limitations of methodological approaches for professional identity research
K2 A critical understanding of the research design for personal data research
K3 A critical awareness and understanding of the use of alternative methodologies for professional identity research
S1 An evaluation and critical literature reflection on the theoretical models and frameworks for professional identity research
S2 The application of multiple qualitative and reflexive practices for the evaluation of professional identity as a researching professional.