1 Understand the importance of business processes in delivering outcomes based on business goals and objectives
1.1 Analyse the effect of the mission, aims and objectives of an organisation on its structure and culture
1.2 Explain the methodology used to map processes to the organisation’s goals and objectives
2 Understand how work plans are developed
2.1 Explain the importance of identifying and prioritising outcomes for work plans
2.2 Explain the purpose of agreeing SMART objectives that align people and other resources in an effective and efficient way
2.3 Evaluate the usefulness of techniques used to manage activities
2.4 Assess factors to be taken into account when allocating and agreeing work with team members
2.5 Explain how to produce a work plan which promotes goals and objectives
3 Understand how to monitor work plans and systems to improve organisational performance
3.1 Assess the importance of implementing quality audit systems/practice to manage and monitor quality standards
3.2 Explain the importance of embedding a quality culture to improve organisational performance
3.3 Explain the importance of providing leadership and direction for own area of responsibility
3.4 Evaluate methods used to monitor progress and provide feedback to team members
4 Understand health and safety requirements when managing business activities
4.1 Explain the impact of health and safety legislation on work activities
4.2 Explain the purpose and benefits of carrying out a risk assessment when managing work activities
4.3 Assess the importance of reviewing organisational health and safety policies and procedures
1 Understand the importance of business processes in delivering outcomes based on business goals and objectives
Functions: interrelationships of functions, mission, aims, objectives and culture; interrelationship with processes
Processes: principles and models of effective process management; types of business process measures, output; quality gateways; how to evaluate suitability
2 Understand how work plans are developed
Techniques used to manage activities: random sampling; non-random sampling; stakeholder analysis; documentation review; direct observation; cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
Factors when allocating and agreeing work: strengths and weaknesses; resource; holiday; knowledge; ability to work as a team
3 Understand how to monitor work plans and systems to improve organisational performance
Systems: Total Quality Management (TQM), TQM philosophy, principles, methods and techniques; quality systems, quality circles, ISO9000/EN29000 or subsequent current amendments, managing and monitoring quality
Organisational performance: principles of models which underpin organisational performance; types of performance measures and how to determine and set them; cost/benefit analysis; risk analysis; the value of a customer-focused culture; the importance of prevention rather than correction; importance of developing a continual improvement culture and how to involve others; planning, proposing, implementing and evaluating change; identifying wider implications of change within the organisation; Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)
Importance of providing leadership and direction: provide positive environment; helps grow a business; employees have direction and are motivated
Methods used to monitor progress: benchmarks; individual goals and objectives
Methods used to provide feedback: one-to-one meetings, appraisal meetings, 360 degree feedback; personal development plans (PDPs
4 Understand health and safety requirements when managing business activities
Health and safety: legislation and regulations relating to health and safety at work; organisational policies and procedures regarding health and safety; risk assessment and monitoring; practical application of regulations; public attitudes and concerns relating to health and safety