Task1 SWOT-Strength(5 marks)
Weak attempt at strengths of the chosen organisation, 1-2 points given
Some attempt at strengths of the chosen organisation, 2-3 points given
Average attempt at strengths of the chosen organisation, 3-4 points given
Good attempt at strengths of the chosen organisation, all 4-5 points given
Excellent attempt at strengths of the chosen organisation, all 5 points relevant to the case study given
Task 1 SWOT- weakness(5 marks)
Weak attempt at weaknesses of the chosen organisation, 1-2 points given
Some attempt at weaknesses of the chosen organisation, 2-3 points given
Average attempt at weaknesses of the chosen organisation, 3-4 points given
Good attempt at weaknesses of the chosen organisation, all 4-5 points given
Excellent attempt at weaknesses of the chosen organisation, all 5 points relevant to the case study given
Task1 SWOT-Opportunity(5 marks)
Weak attempt at opportunity of the chosen organisation, 1-2 points given
Some attempt at opportunity of the chosen organisation, 2-3 points given
Average attempt at opportunity of the chosen organisation, 3-4 points given
Good attempt at opportunity of the chosen organisation, all 4-5 points given
Excellent attempt at opportunity of the chosen organisation, all 5 points relevant to the case study given
Task1 SWOT-Threats(5 marks)
Weak attempt at threats of the chosen organisation, 1-2 points given
Some attempt at threats of the chosen organisation, 2-3 points given
Average attempt at threats of the chosen organisation, 3-4 points given
Good attempt at threats of the chosen organisation, all 4-5 points given
Excellent attempt at threats of the chosen organisation, all 5 points relevant to the case study given
Task 2 Project Charter :Project Objectives(5 marks)
Not Considered
Objectives are defined but unclear.
Objectives are defined but do not cover business need.
Objectives are defined and limited to business need.
Objectives are defined including need, ROI, benefits to stakeholders and success factors.
Task 2 Project Charter Acceptance Criteria(5 marks)
Not Considered
Check-list is defined but unclear
Check-list criteria are defined but do not cover signoff process
Check-list criteria are defined with signoff process
Check-list criteria are defined with signoff process including template/ forms/approvals.
Task 2 Project Charter Constraints / Assumptions(5 marks)
Not Considered
Defined but unclear.
Only Assumptions or only Constraints are defined.
Few Assumptions and Constraints are defined, but not detailed enough.
Most Assumptions and Constraints are defined with required details.
Task 2 Project Charter -Stakeholder list(5 marks)
Not Considered
Only Student team is covered.
Student team and Customer are covered.
Student team, Customer and Sponsoring agency are covered.
Student team, Customer, Sponsoring agency and other stakeholders (e.g. Vendors) for the project are covered.
Task 2 Project Charter -Charter Signoff(5 marks)
Not Considered
Defined Charter signoff process but unclear.
Defined Charter signoff process with forma/templates / approvals
Task 2 Project Charter- Lessons learned(5 marks)
Not Considered
Only considered personal experiences.
Considered lessons learned from past projects / best practices.
In addition to past projects, on-going learnings from current project have been considered.
Considered lessons learnt / best practices and applied to project appropriately & developed contingency plan.
Task 3- Communication Plan: Purpose $ Team Meetings Agenda ( 5 marks+)
Not Considered
Defined but unclear.
Internal team meetings are planned and conducted as per a schedule.
Meetings are planned, conducted followed by Minute of the Meetings
Meetings are planned, conducted followed by Minute of the Meetings and Action items.
Task 3- Communication Plan 5 marks (Who, What and When,)
Not Considered
Defined but unclear.
Defined Who and What communication will take place.
Defined Who (most stakeholders), What and When (Frequency) communication will take place.
Defined Who (all stakeholders- to receive and to communicate, When, What (all types of information) communication will take place. Forms / Templates are covered.
Task 3- Communication Plan 5 marks Where, Why and How)
Not Considered
Defined but unclear.
Defined Where and How communication will take place.
Defined Where (location of the meeting or other interactions), Why and How (method) communication will take place.
Defined Where (clearly and appropriately states the location of the meeting or other interactions), Why(description), How (i.e. physical meeting, email, phone, message group, etc.) communication will take place. Forms / Templates are covered.
Task 3- Communication Plan Change Management (5 marks)
Not Considered
Escalation method is defined but unclear
Escalation method is defined, but without process documentation
Escalation method is defined including process documentation.
Escalation method is defined including process documentation & Issue log template